Dr. Thomas Seeber
Dr Thomas Seeber, MASCI (Padova), LL.M. (Krems) is a lawyer at Stadler Völkel Lawyers in Vienna as well as lecturer and author of numerous publications in the fields of banking, real estate and consumer law as well as insurance, tenancy, corporate and civil law.
Thomas Seeber consults domestic and foreign banks in cross-border provision of banking services, a topic which he has dedicated monographies to (Grundeigentum und Sicherheiten in Italien; grenzüberschreitende Forderungsbesicherung: Österreich – Italien; Das österreichische Kreditkonsortium; Rechberger/Seeber/Thurner, Insolvenzrecht).
Dr Thomas Seeber is also a member of the international Round Table on Mortgages. He has many years of experience in lending processes and real estate law. Dr Seeber is particularly interested in various topics of digitization, especially in the use of blockchain to guarantee simplification, acceleration and quality assurance in connection with legal processes.
His strengths: result-oriented, focused, persistant and determined combined with profound expertise in real estate, banking and collateral law, enjoyment in finding creative solutions
His motto: "Bring solutions to the ground"